Thursday, March 25, 2010

Passion or Perfection?

Sometimes, don't you just need intensity?  Don't you get tired of the mundane, of the homework and tests and facebook and television? I say, forget it all. Put on a new shirt. Now add something that sparkles. And something that clashes.  Do your hair differently and throw some feathers into the mix.  Dust your eyes with glitter. Pout at your reflection. And then walk around barefoot, and say hello to strangers. The confines of suburbia are cracking, and you can break them. You can punch down the walls and awaken the city. Scream it out, shout it out, I say, live now, now, NOW! Stop waiting. Stop wasting time. Life is too short to sleep, life is too short to bother doing anything half way, because you'll never finish. Find something to care about. I mean, something to truly care about. Something that makes you want to cry, something that makes you want to climb the walls, something that makes you want to wake up in the morning. Don't do what makes other people like you, do what makes you happy. There are 6 billion people to like you, but maybe only one thing that truly makes you happy. Do it. The people who are worth knowing will come to you, the ones who want you to be happy. Even if you aren't perfect. Because being perfect isn't human. Being passionate is.


Shani ▲ Kaleidoscope Kingdom said...

I like your thinking there, I think I may have written that I agree with you on one of your other posts, but I agree with you again. :)

samantha said...

"dust your eyes with glitter"

it really is the answer to everything.

Kirby said...

This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!

Regan said...

I love how you write! This was such a great peice, I've re read it like 3 times :) So so so cute and true.

Amy said...

Amen! I'm gonna copy what you wrote into my little notebook so I can read it whereever I go. Bravo.