Wednesday, November 24, 2010

speak, scream, shout!

There are moments when your hear your heart beat and you know it is time.
And your brain may fight and push and argue
but you know. 

You know that you have words that have been locked in your soul,
waiting to fly out
and it is time to set them free.

In mid-air they dazzle and shine, so much that you may fear them. 
Don't.  Your power is your truth, your power is your love,
your power is in these words that need to be said.

Everyone wants to know they are not alone,
everyone wants to know there is a person who is looking out for them
no matter what.  No matter what.

So speak those words, tell the truths, cry out to the wind, the sky, the air,
the people that you love. 
The people that matter.

They are waiting-
this is your time.

Sorry for the terribly long breaks between posts right now my lovely readers, I'll try to be better! Thank you always for the sweet and wonderful comments.  Things are insanely busy right now so I haven't had much time to be on here but I am always thinking of all of you and when days seem especially long I actually go back and read the lovely comments on posts, they make things so much better.  You all are so fabulous :)


Moan said...

you are fabulous for posting these fabulous, inspiring, beaautiful posts


Andrea said...

how do you do it? honestly, it's like you know exactly what I need to hear, every time.
this post was wonderful :)

Amber said...

"Everyone wants to know they are not alone"
definitely relating to this post. Thank you for your words.

Regan said...

Your blog is seriosuly so gorgeous. Do you write all this yourself?? I jut spent like an hour reading all of your older posts. :) <3

weronika zapędowska said...

awesome. You captiveted me!:)

akko said...

beautiful photos!

i love your blog <3 i follow you :)

STEFANIE said...

This is really really beautiful :)

chantelle said...

oh my, this is such a perfect post! so much inspiration & beauty ♥

Erin said...

I love everything on your blog! Your writing and the photos are always just what I need to see. :)

Anonymous said...

wow these shots are great! they're so dream like.

Balaphoto said...

Excellent shots!! Salut!!

Frank, Barcelona

myga said...

beautiful photos, so cute and magic post